Much Luv Coaching



As a very young child I instinctively knew some essential things about myself: I am here in this human experience to be a guiding light for others; I have a very high prosperity consciousness (though I didn’t know at the time that was what it’s called); that joy is my factory setting; that unconditional love is my highest value. As I moved through this life, people and events tried to turn me into the Being they wanted me to be. For a time, I allowed this. Then one day I woke up. I am the extraordinary Being I am today, creating my life to be what I want it to be and loving it for three reasons: Somehow I found the courage to open myself up to the guidance of my Inner Being; I accepted that I couldn’t do it all on my own, nor was I meant to. This led me to my amazing coach and mentors. I would absolutely not be who I am today without their extraordinary love, guidance and support; I am committed to doing the inner work regardless of current circumstances, thoughts or feelings.

You’re reading this because your Inner Being has led you here. Part of this human experience is that we are biologically wired for connection. We all need love, support and guidance along this journey. I am deeply honored that part of why I’m here is to help guide others along the path in creating a life that you are incredibly in love with living.”


My own journey to transformation began when my entire world exploded. In that moment I had no way of knowing what a beautiful gift this ending of everything I had ever known would turn into. In the moments following what I’ve come to lovingly call my personal Big Bang, I found myself (metaphorically) bruised, bloody & (literally) terrified and completely alone. As I stood there surrounded by the carnage that had been my life, something inside me broke wide open. For the first time I willingly started to look deep inside myself with honesty, acceptance and without fear or judgement. I simply observed…me. I begin asking questions; “who was I, who did I truly want to be and how far apart were these two Beings?” The next question I asked myself was, “how the hell do I get from who I am to who I want to be?” I had no idea! Here’s what I did know: I was unwilling to go on being who I had been; I needed guidance to get to who I instinctively knew I came here to be. I asked and the universe answered in the form of transformation guide called Jim Fortin. I was heartbroken to discover that I couldn’t afford to work with him directly. I didn’t give up though. I began consuming anything and everything I could that had any mention of Jim; podcast interviews, articles, websites. As I started applying the principles I was learning, amazing things began to happen. Before I knew it, I suddenly could afford to work with Jim. Under his guidance, I came back to the awareness of who I truly am and what it is I’m here to do for myself and others. I found my joy again. I discovered how to stay in a place of peace and joy regardless of all outside circumstances.

I discovered that love begins with self and grows from there. I came into my power as a creator. I fell in love with me. I found my purpose; part of which is to assist others in finding their way out of the darkness of fear, entrapment and loss. Following my Inner Beings guidance, I completed certification programs to become a master Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner and a certified Life Coach. I continue working with my own coach and mentors to ensure that I show up as my best authentic self everyday in my own life, for my family & friends and for you. Today I am living the life I am intentionally creating and loving it! If my story resonates with you in anyway, let’s chat to find out how I may best support you on your journey to creating the life you are completely in love with living every day.

Much love beautiful one,


Motivated me in all ways

Detailed Review:

I am so grateful for the opportunity I was granted to work with Kandie. From our first meeting, Kandie has held the most sacred space that has allowed me to consciously unravel and discover my most authentic desires. Kandie, Thank you for your grounding nature, your flowing wisdom, and guiding light. I shine brighter because of YOU.

Help to eliminate all problems

Dear Kandie,

The idea of transformation was exciting and, at the same time, terrifying. Thank you for holding a safe space for me to explore my “stories”, my beliefs about myself, and the beliefs I held that were truly not mine. Your guidance through this journey has opened my eyes to view the world in ways that I never saw as possible. Guiding me from a place of non-judgement was the foundation that gave rise to all the skills you have taught me; Helping me to create boundaries, create and make conscious choices, and most importantly, celebrate the small “wins”.

Through our time together, I have to come to realize how much I focused on what I saw as my defeats while dismissing my wins. Recognizing the negativity that I created in my life has allowed me to make conscious changes.

I see my life so differently now; now there are possibilities.

I am excited to continue this journey with you and always look forward to our conversations. I am grateful beyond words that our paths crossed. Thank you for creating the space for me to make myself whole again. With deepest love and gratitude,

Ann C